The St. Mary's Animal Welfare League is a nonprofit, rescue organization that specializes in the rescue, care and placement of abused, neglected and homeless companion animals.

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We are in significant need of foster homes for cats and dogs, if you are interested in helping one of our pets in need, please check out our volunteer application. Food, supplies and veterinary care are provided for fostered pets.

We are seeking to expand beyond our planned capacity and budget in order to save more lives.  Each additional dog we save needs a foster home and $300 to sponsor medical intake fees.

You can save a life!


Download a foster application here.


Make a donation here:



SMAWL is now partners with ResQThreads. People can visit their site at; at checkout, select SMAWL from the list of rescue partners and SMAWL will receive a percentage of your purchase.

Can you help?

Donations are greatly appreciated and can be made online via credit card through PayPal.  


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Shelter Animals Count | The National Database Project

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